Friday, July 11, 2014

Fun day

"Today was a fun day!" Those were Stella's words as I started the car. We were about to head back home from the playground after a very long day. Several hours of our day were spent in that same car, driving around Manhattan, helping daddy out with work. Afterwards, we had a late lunch at an Italian restaurant where the girls ended up with pasta everywhere. I actually didn't mind the mess. In fact, I enjoyed watching them slurp spaghetti and untangle the long strings with their hands. They were so happy I could not help but watch and let them be. 

And so we went to the park. The idea was that I would have them accompany me while I played with my camera and the light, try to get as I could from the evening sun. Yeah.. that lasted about five minutes when I had to change plans and take them to the playground because my littlest was not in the mood for photos and the oldest wanted to be over with it as soon as possible. 

I managed to take a few pictures:

While at the playground, my little one yelled several times: "I'm brave", as she insisted on climbing a latter on her own. She refused to be held and so I stood behind her, every single time, ready in case she needed me. It's amazing how much she's grown, changed and learned in the past six months. Watching her, I was one proud mama.
If motherhood has taught me anything, it is that you can never really plan things. I mean, you can try (and you should otherwise there's no way of getting things done) but it's easier to expect them to change and just go with it. Sometimes it turns out for the best.

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